Celebrate An Old Time Christmas November 2-December 30 featuring over 6.5 Million lights and festive holiday shows that take holiday cheer to a whole other level...no wonder this festival has been voted the 4-time winner and current title-holder of ''America's Best Holiday Event.''
The 23rd Home Tour and Holiday Boutique, held by Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake, on December 6-7, 2024, promises to be a grand affair. Four holiday decorated homes, a holiday boutique with local vendors, baked goods and basket raffles will add to seasonal merriment.
College of the Ozarks Presents ''Light Up the Sky'' at Jones Theater on December 6-9 at various times.
Get in the holiday spirit with the Kimberling City Christmas Parade on December 7.
Printed courtesy of www.visittablerocklake.com/ – Contact the Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 495 Kimberling City MO 65686, Branson West, MO 65737 – (417) 739-2564 – trlchamber@visittablerocklake.com