Harbor House Domestic Violence Center

Non-ProfitNon-Profit-Family Services
24/7 year round
Driving Directions:
Private safe house location
About Us
Harbor House is a 24/7 year round Domestic Violence Shelter for women and their children, with a Hotline that is manned 24/7. Harbor House is the ONLY Domestic Violence Center in Stone County. We accept women and children not only from our county but the surrounding counties as well as throughout the state and our neighboring states. Any and ALL activities that are conducted are performed at Harbor House Center. Harbor House is safely hidden from those who may be looking for their victim, but is listed in every resource book throughout the country under “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE”.
At Harbor House victims receive food, clothing, counseling, life skills classes, as well as case management, crisis intervention, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, and transportation. Most programs are conducted in our building where our clients can feel safe and secure. Our program is not a 30-90 day program. We evaluate each client and help them set goals. As long as the client is making progress we allow them to stay. As each client heals we help them regain control of their lives. We help them sign up for any State aid they may need; Disability, Medicaid, WIC, and Food stamps. We help them apply for jobs and take them to job interviews and even take them to work. We help them set up a bank account and help them budget their money so they can learn to save and be able to be independent.
Harbor House is strictly funded by Federal, State Grants, DV Tax Credits and generous donations from our local community.
- Shelter
- Counseling adults and children
- Case Management
- Safety Planning