Monthly Lions Club Gathering

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CDT
3rd Tuesday of each month
Kimberling City
City Hall-Community Center
34 Kimberling Blvd.
Kimberling City, MO
Anyone may attend our meetings, but please let us know you're coming so we have enough food to share and know if you have any allergies. Membership is $80/year for an individual, $140 for a couple.
Contact Information
Contact Ronda Del Boccio, Club President
Send Email
Monthly Lions Club Gathering
Please join us for the monthly Lions Club Gathering. These meetings are open to the everyone who RSVPs.
Where there's a need, there's a Lion! Our motto is, "We serve." We SERVE our community, our region, and the world through activities and fundraisers. This is one of over 48,000 Lions Clubs International clubs worldwide. We invite people like YOU - people who care about your community and want to make life better for those around you. We will never pressure you to join, and we invite you to come to one of our gatherings to learn what we are doing.
While the organization began with a mission to serve blind/visually impaired people, the global mission has expanded to combat hunger, childhood cancer, diabetes, and more. We offer disaster relief, promote peace, and protect our environment.
Where there's a need, there's a Lion! Our motto is, "We serve." We SERVE our community, our region, and the world through activities and fundraisers. This is one of over 48,000 Lions Clubs International clubs worldwide. We invite people like YOU - people who care about your community and want to make life better for those around you. We will never pressure you to join, and we invite you to come to one of our gatherings to learn what we are doing.
While the organization began with a mission to serve blind/visually impaired people, the global mission has expanded to combat hunger, childhood cancer, diabetes, and more. We offer disaster relief, promote peace, and protect our environment.
We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Kimberling City Hall Community Center. We enjoy
fellowship and supper at 5 and then meet at 5:30. Please let us know if you're coming so we have enough food. Bring yourself your chosen beverage.
fellowship and supper at 5 and then meet at 5:30. Please let us know if you're coming so we have enough food. Bring yourself your chosen beverage.
Join us (members and non-members alike) as we plan service projects and community fundraisers. And bring a friend!