Events Calendar
Junior Pro Bull Ride FINALS at Stone County Event Center
Visit the Stone County Event Center Facebook page for more information on the Junior Pro Bull Ride FIALS.
Kimberling Area Library Annual Book and Bake Sale
Come to view 100s of donated books at the Kimberling Area Library's Annual Book and Bake Sale October 13-14.
Rotary Club of Table Rock Lake 5K Run/Walk 2023
Register for the Rotary of Table Rock Lake 5K Fun Walk/Run on October 14, and run by scenic Table Rock Lake shoreline. Run begins at Kimberling City Elks Lodge, 37 Beach Blvd., at 8:00 a.m.
Shell Knob Annual Dinner & Hootenanny
Don't miss the fun at the Hootenanny-themed annual dinner and awards ceremony for the Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce. This year, The Finley River Boys will be the entertainment for the night.
Silver Dollar City Harvest Festival
Experience Silver Dollar City's Harvest Festival Featuring Crafts & Pumpkins in the City, thrilling rides into the night, and thousands of illuminated pumpkins with non-frightful fun for the entire family!