Events Calendar
Garage and Bake Sale Hosted by Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 164
Garage and Bake Sale hosted by Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 164 on September 14-16.
Garden Tractor Pull at Stone County Event Center
Visit the Stone County Event Center Facebook page for more information on the Garden Tractor Pull.
H2Ozarks Shoreline Cleanup 2023
H2Ozarks (formerly Ozarks Water Watch) hosts the 23rd Annual Shoreline Cleanup on Table Rock, Taneycomo, and Bull Shoals Lakes September 15-17
Kimberling City 2023 City-Wide Garage Sale
The Kimberling City city-wide garage sale is scheduled for September 15-16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Citizens who would like to participate should contact City Hall.
Missouri Master Gardener Annual Fall Garden Workshop
University of Missouri Extension-Missouri Master Gardener presents the Fall Garden Workshop on September 16, from 8:30- 2:30.
Shell Knob's Fall Festival: A great time for all ages
Silver Dollar City Harvest Festival
Experience Silver Dollar City's Harvest Festival Featuring Crafts & Pumpkins in the City, thrilling rides into the night, and thousands of illuminated pumpkins with non-frightful fun for the entire family!
Veterans of the Ozarks Eighth Annual Golf Tournament
Support the Veterans of the Ozarks by sponsoring or playing in the Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 16, 2023.