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Taneyville students, community enjoying track improvements

School is back in session in Taneyville but students aren’t spending all day in the classroom. Thanks to funding from Silver Dollar City Foundation’s Hope Grant, the district’s gravel track is in tip-top shape just in time for students.

The track, which is located behind the school, is used throughout the day for recess, PE classes, cross country and then after school, it is open to the community.

“The district has maintained the track as well as possible with limited funds and equipment,” explained Taneyville School District Superintendent Dr. Tara Roberts. “With the Hope Grant, the district was able to hire an excavator to both widen the track and make improvements for the safety of our students and community. The district loves seeing families enjoy the track after school and on the weekends.”

Despite the district’s best efforts, the track was in rough shape prior to the work this summer. To repair the track, multiple loads of base rock and chat were brought in to resurface and widen it. An excavator graded and leveled the track, fixing areas that had been washed out due to flooding in the past. Roberts said it was vital to the safety of students and community members to fix the track.

“Making these improvements doesn’t just benefit our kids, but our community as well,” said Roberts. “Due to the rural location of Taneyville, there are not many other opportunities for exercise without traveling.”

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